In DW profile pages are like where there is tabs like activity, questions etc. By default in wp it’s where only the posts are shown. Is it something buddypress thing? How can i have it in my site? Also a “post” tab will be good in profile.
I mean by default wp only shows the posts made by an user like this.
Hi Anik,
Currently, we are using BuddyPress plugin for users management and we integrated that plugin to DW Q&A to show the questions list and activity pages for members. This is how we use on our site also. Please follow instruction steps below:
Step 1: Install BuddyPress plugin.
Step 2: Go to your theme folder (wp-content/themes/[theme-name]), and create a new folder, named it “buddypress”. Inside your new folder, create a new file: “bp-custom.php”.
Now, open up the new file in notepad or any code editor, and copy/paste the code at this link :
Note: Please change ‘dw_simplex’ & ‘dw-simplex’ to your theme name
Step 3: Open the function file of your theme (wp-content/themes/[theme-name]/functions.php), and add this code in (somewhere at top of the file):
include_once get_template_directory().'/buddypress/bp-custom.php';
Final step: Save the files and go to your profile page to see list of all questions on the new Questions tab.
Hope that helps!
Please try and let me know the result 🙂
Hi Kido,
I did the same whatever you have explained above.
Step 1. Copied given code in bp-custom.php file and kept it in themes buddypress folder.
Step2. Replaced ‘dw_simplex’ & ‘dw-simplex’ to my theme name(supermassive).
Step2. added below code in themes function.php.
But nothing is happening.. After logging in to my site i am not abe to see profile page.i.e.
please check below url:
correcting step2.
I just added
include_once get_template_directory().’/buddypress/bp-custom.php’;
in function.php.
Hi Kido,
Now the things are fine..Able to see “Question” section in user profile. Thanks for the great work. Will contact If I see further issue.
Hi Kido,
I just encountered below issues.
1 .when ever I write any thing in reply field as a administrator or a user .Its showing “Anonymous” . And comment is disappearing.
2. I can see questions field in user profile, but answer and comment field is not appearing.
3.When ever I click on staff or user name(i.e wardhan in case of my website ) its not navigating me to actual users buddypress profile.
Please help/suggest.
Create a page “author” then go to buddypress > pages and make sure you change members to author
Also you may want to add Buddypress menu items to you site. Go to menus and you’ll see Buddypress menu options
@ Dom !
Thank for your help. I appreciate it !
@Harsh !
1. To resolve this issue, You can log in to Dashboard > Q&A > Settings > Permission.
See the screenshot: 2. Currently, the “question” tab just display the questions. To display the comment & answer in the “Activity” tab, You need to use the Buddypress plugin.
3. This issue, You can find the answer of the Dom Amor.
Hope this helps !
@Dom.. Thanks a Lot..I am able to navigate on users profile now.
@Dominic.. Thanks you so much for quick response.
However for:
Issue 1. I Did the same what ever you have suggested in the screenshot. I changed the settings. But still things are not working. I tried the same twice. some how during testing I can see one reply has been posted.
Even In this case it was showing Anonymous while posting,things appeared after refresh.
But Now I am not able to post any comment and it shows Anonymous. :(..
Note: I am using buddy press with supermassive theme(designed by theme forest). Which also have comment option. Is this the region Its showing Anonymous..????
Issue 2. Which buddypress plugin you are suggesting..??? As I have already installed buddypress.
Issue 3. It has been resolved.. 🙂
Hi Domini,
1st issue has also been resolved. 🙂
I went through below and did the workaround.
I have checked your site, Right now your site work great. I think you have resolved this issue.
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