I am trying to make my website look like the one you advertise. Take note of your homepage:
Here is my website: https://allergyidcard.com
I want to lose the word “homepage” on my page like you have done on your site, and add a large picture all the way across the screen, like yo have done. Basically I want to recreate your page. How do I do that
How do I change the product hover feature from green to red? (When you hover over a product.)
How do I make the products 5 across and 10 down?
How do I change the footer text color to white?
That is all for now..
1. To remove the “homepage” word, you can go to the Dashboard > Pages > Edit home page then select the Full width page in the Template section.
2. To change the button of the products, you can add the following code to the Dashboard > DW Store > Theme settings > General > Custom CSS.
.woocommerce ul.products li.product .button {
background-color: #6ab344;
border-color: #6ab344;
color: #fff;
.woocommerce ul.products li.product .button:hover, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .button:focus, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .button.focus, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .button:active, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .button.active, .open>.dropdown-toggle.woocommerce ul.products li.product .button {
background-color: #6ab344;
border-color: #6ab344;
color: #fff;
.woocommerce ul.products li.product .price {
color: #...;
3. At the moment, the plugin does not support to show the the products 5 across. However, if you want to show the the products 10 down, you can add the following code to the function.php file:
/*** Change number of products that are displayed per page (shop page)*/
add_filter( 'loop_shop_per_page', 'new_loop_shop_per_page', 20 );
function new_loop_shop_per_page( $cols ) {
// $cols contains the current number of products per page based on the value stored on Options -> Reading
// Return the number of products you wanna show per page.
$cols = 9;
return $cols;
4. You can add the following code to the Dashboard > DW Store > Theme settings > General > Custom CSS:
.site-footer { color: #fff; }
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