asked 6 years ago

Hi guys. I am using the free version still and i have a question.
When someone asks a question or when someone answers a question the administrator and the one who asked the question(if it is an answer ofc) they need to get an email for that right ? So in my case they get the Email non stop over and over again its like spamming. For example im sending this question to you and you get email that Alek asked a question on Design Wall 10 times in a row without stopping.
If you could tell me what could be the problem that would be great i already asked my hosting provider is it the mail but it wasn\\\’t them.
Thanks in advance.

1 Answers
answered 6 years ago

Please send me username & password of your site and FTP account for further checking.

replied 6 years ago

Hi Dominic. What actually is Email Delay* ? I dont know if you did something but now the mail seems to be fine. Before when the Email Delay* was checked it was sending the email non stop until i unchecked the Email Delay* but now its ok ?

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Yes, this feature will allow sending the email after 2 minutes.

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