on the questions page the word "asked" (followed by the date) is not translated (into German). I looked at the German language file but couldn’t find out why the translation is missing. Can you help me?
About this issue, you can open the dwqa-de_DE.po
file, find the line 483 and then change from the number "30" to "43".
Also, find the line 1650 in the dwqa-de_DE.po
file to change the word asked
and please find the following line code in the single-question.php file to confirm about position of the line code.
printf( '<a href="%s" title="%s #%d">%s %s</a>', get_permalink(), __( 'Link to', 'dwqa' ), $post_id, __( 'asked', 'dwqa' ), get_the_date() );
In our demo it’s line 38.
Thank you!
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