asked 6 years ago

I’d like to replace the default wordpress comments feature with DWQA. I saw a few questions about this, but none of them seemed to provide a full solution. One of the provided links was dead. 
Ideally, I’d like for users to be able to ask questions at the bottom of a post. Any questions asked for that post would appear as well. But those questions would also appear on the regular Q&A section in the list of other questions. 
If there were a shortcode for “ask question” that could auto-tag based on the post, then a question list below that limited to that tag, I think this would be doable. It wouldn’t be too hard to add the shortcode at the bottom of every post. 
Thanks for any help!

1 Answers
answered 6 years ago

If you want to replace or add the Q&A into the comment section, you can use the following shortcode and add to the single.php file.
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[dwqa-submit-question-form]' ); ?>

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[dwqa-list-questions]' ); ?>
replied 6 years ago

Wouldn’t that list all the questions? I only want to list the questions related to that particular post. Is there a way to limit the question list to a certain tag in the shortcode parameter?

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

If you are using the pro version, you can use the following code:
– Submit question for each category: [dwqa-submit-question-form category=”catslug”]
– List question by category: [dwqa-list-questions category=”question”]

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