I have a couple site running DW Purity and the Search function no longer is working. It did at one point, but after some update I get a “Nothing Found” page. Same thing is happening on the Design Wall demo page for Purity.
Could you take a look and let me know? I’ve tested a development site I am working on and activate the stock 2019 theme and results popped up.
I sent notified to our technical team. We will check and fix the theme now. We will release the theme this week.
Dominic, any progress on the search fix?
Please accept my apology for the delay in getting back to you. We are checking this issue. We will update and release a new version as soon as possible.
Dominic, any word on how the fix is going for the search on this theme?
Yes, we have fixed the plugin, we will release the latest version in Today.
Thank you, update works great!
Yes, please let me know if you have any issue or question.
The revised search works great, but now the built in Mega Menu option disappeared. I have this theme running on 3 sites, but only one uses the Mega Menu function. This is separate from the DW Mega Menu plugin (that does not seem to work with this theme). I installed the update on the site that uses the Mega Menu this morning and had to roll that one back to v.1.0.2.
We have fixed and updated the theme, you can download and update the latest version 1.0.3 now.
Thank for your feedback.
Thanks Dominic, everything is working great now!
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