I installed a new plugin, Reading Time WP, and I’d like to put the "Estimate reading time" writing before content by using this do_shortcode(‘[rt_reading_rtime]’) function: where do I have to put it?
Thank you
I have installed the "Estimate reading time" plugin on our demo. After activating, the "Estimate reading time" section default displayed before content section. See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8jgelt & http://prntscr.com/8jgepn
In case, you can use the following code <?php echo do_shortcode('[rt_reading_time label="Reading Time:" postfix="minutes"]'); ?>
then open some the files "content.php / single.php / content-single.php…"
You can add the code line before or after the following sections:
<div class="entry-thumbnail hover-thumb">....</div>
<div class="entry-meta meta-top"> ...</div>
<h2 class="entry-title">...</h2>
<div class="entry-summary">...</div>
I think you should send me a screenshot about the position that you want to display and send me username & password of your site. I will helps you.
Hope this helps !
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