asked 11 years ago

I need a professional Spa template, Do you have it? See http://spalifeguide.com.au/, My client built this using e directory. But they have limitations so me and my client wants a directory wordpress theme for spa. She needs 3 features mainly, spa, blog, shop. I found some premium themes like http://themes.webinane.com/iframe/dictate-wp.html, http://demo.kaazthemes.com/spalon/ etc. The main thing is spa directory and spa shop. I like design wall because simple is in’t simple. 🙂

4 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Liza, 
Thanks for reaching out to us!
I have looked at the sample sites you gave and I have here 2 options that you can take a look at:
1 DW Simple: http://demo.designwall.com/#dw-simplex
This theme is clean and simple to set up. 
2. DW Gamez: http://demo.designwall.com/#dw-gamez
I know the name does not sound like a good option, but this theme’s layout is quite fit your need, it support well images, video and gallery, which are need for a spa site. The color can be changes, as well as images. 
Please check through the theme layout and all the features if they fit your need.
Thanks and regards,

P.S: we have an eCommerce theme if you want to take a look as well: DW Trendy: http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/wordpress/themes/dw-trendy/

Liza Irin
replied 11 years ago

dw-gamez & dw-simplex are very simple design, I need a spa directory and jigoshop at the same time. Check my image.

answered 11 years ago

Ok my client bought dw-trendy a few minutes ago and now I will customize it, how i can use a directory in this theme? Like my image…

answered 11 years ago

Liza Irin
replied 11 years ago

I found wordpress business directory plugin from http://businessdirectoryplugin.com/. But they have limitations, how i can use a good directory plugin with full features? Do you have any? This plugin works properly but for the free version too much limitations.

Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

Hi @katesmith5,
With the screenshot you have shared, I think you can create a custom page template. Here is the instruction: http://codex.wordpress.org/Page_Templates
Im not sure about the plugin that you found (haven’t used it before). But I found this article and think it would help you: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-allow-users-to-submit-posts-to-your-wordpress-site/

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