asked 8 years ago


I selected the “Question must be manually approved” option in Settings->General.
It works (Admin gets an email and question isn’t posted).

However, After the user posts the question, an error is printed (twice):
Trying to get property of non-object in …/dw-question-answer/inc/User.php line 152.
This corresponds to code where the global $post variable is trying to be accessed.

  1. Any ideas why this is causing a problem?
  2. How can I forward the user to a different page while his question is being approved (eg: to the home page instead of the question post page that it currently goes to) maybe with a request parameter so I can display a small alert at the top of the page that his question is being moderated?

Thank you.

2 Answers
answered 8 years ago


1. You can replace with the code below.

if ( isset( $post->ID ) && ( 'dwqa-answer' == $post->post_type || 'dwqa-question' == $post->post_type ) ) {

2. You can add the code below to under the line 444 at wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer/inc/Handle.php

wp_safe_redirect( 'your link' )
replied 8 years ago

Thank you.

1) Is there a way to overwrite the User.php like we did with Handle.php?

2) Is it ok not to call “exit” after I cal wp_safe_redirect?
The documentation ( says that “exit” should almost always be called after wp_safe_redirect().

replied 8 years ago


1. Which functions in User.php you want to override?
2. Don’t worry about it. It still works fine.

replied 8 years ago

1. dwqa_the_author()
2. OK.


answered 8 years ago


Please add the code below to wp-content/themes/your-theme-folder/functions.php

remove_filter( 'the_author', 'dwqa_the_author' );
add_filter( 'the_auhtor', 'dwqa_theme_the_author', 99 );
function dwqa_theme_the_author( $display_name ) {
	// your code here :)
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