Alon Anava
asked 9 years ago

Hello, just got the DW Question & Answer Pro plug in.

1. do you have anywhere tutorial videos how to use the plugin?

2. one basic question is, when the questions come in they show as pending. it seems like I have to manually go to the page of the question and ‘post’ the question and till then it’s pending. is there a faster way as the admin to just answer and post/approve the question?

3. is there a way to select that ‘all’ in the answer page will be the default way of showing the questions?
it seems like from anywhere i land on the questions page it show only one question and only once i click the ‘all’ it shows the rest

4. On my website the design came pretty basic. is there a way to change the design (colors and layout) to look like the demo site (
) that has the questions on the left and on the right the big ‘Ask question’ button etc., categories and popular questions etc.

5. I posted now a few more questions and only 2 show up on the question page. Also I replied one question and it still does not show. please advise?

6. How can you set up like in this forum and the demo that it shows the ‘open’ ones?

Thank you!

anike lawal
replied 9 years ago

Hello, there I like your website.
Would love to make mine look like this.
Can you help?

5 Answers
answered 9 years ago

1/ At the moment, you can find here for the document guide on how to configure the plugin:
2/ I think you have enabled the Question must be manually approved. option in the settings of DW Q&A. When the question is pending, you need log into Dashboard > Question tab > All Question > Pending tab and quick edit the question and Select the  public status. Currently, the plugin does not support  to admin just answer and post/approve the question.
3/  You can let me know detail about this issue. 
4/ At the moment the style and layout that you can see in the demo is from DW Focus theme. To change the style, layout of the plugin in your site, you can let me know detail about the color and What do you want to change? I will help you resolve it. 
Note: You need send me username & password of your site. 

5/ About this issue, I need to check your site. Please send me username & password of your site.
6/ At the moment, all the style and layout in this forum is private and we can not public it. So, very hard to provide it for you. Also, we are using the pro version on the designwall site. 

Alon Anava
answered 9 years ago

Thank you very much for your help. I will first go through the guide you sent and then move to customization and what ever I can not figure out

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

If you have any issue or question please let me know, I will check and help you resolve it.

Alon Anava
answered 9 years ago

I set the ‘New Answer Notifications (to Followers) – see attached image
But the user gets the email and it still shows {follower} instead of their name. I assume that is happening because they are not logged in as I set it that a user can ask a question without logging in.
is there a way to by pass that? that it will show the user name?
I loaded to images for example to show how it came


Alon Anava
answered 9 years ago

another question: after submitting a question it shows this text: ‘Your question is waiting moderator.’

  1. Is there a way to change the font color ?
  2. is there away to make it more large or obvious?
  3. is there away to make is go to a landing page after question is submitted? 


answered 9 years ago

About the New Answer Notifications (to Followers). In the old version, we have made a feature to allow a user logged can follow a question and will get an email when the questions have new answer. However, in the latest version we have some change about this option. I think it’s a bug come from the plugin.  I sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We will check it.
About another question:
1+ 2/ If you want to change the color and make it more large or obvious, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

/** Question title*/
.dwqa-question-item .dwqa-question-title a {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 600px;
color: #000;
/** Filter*/
.dwqa-question-filter a {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 600px;
color: #000;
.dwqa-question-content {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 600px;
color: #000;
.dwqa-comments-list .dwqa-comment p:last-child {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 600px;
color: #000;
.dwqa-answer-content {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 600px;
color: #000;

If you still face their issue, you can let me know detail about the position that you want to change and send me your site URL for further checking, I will help you resolve it.
3/  To redirect users to a different page when user submit a question, please open the Handle.php file in the folder path “wp-content -> plugins -> dw-question-answer -> inc -> Handle.php”.
Find the line code around line 421:
exit( wp_safe_redirect( get_permalink( $new_question ) ) );
Then replace with the following code to redirect to home page:
exit( wp_safe_redirect( home_url() ) );
Notice: you can use similar to redirect user to any other page as you wish (in your case to the question listing page)
Eg: like this is my url : http://mysite/discussion-forum/
exit( wp_safe_redirect( home_url() .'discussion-forum/' ) );
Hope this helps!

Alon Anava
replied 9 years ago

thank you SO much!!!

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

If you have any issue or question please let me know, I will check and help you resolve it.

Alon Anava
replied 9 years ago


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