asked 11 years ago

What do you mean with “New: Ready for translation”. I would like to purchase a website template for Spanish. In the Quickstart package if I put the Spanish language automatically translates wordpress?

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hello Luis !
At the moment, our DW Focus theme have supported a language file (.po), you can use this file to translate to your target language. Please find here for the document guide on how to translate the theme:
If you still face there issue, I can send you the strings that you need to translate. Please help me translate them to your own language then send back to me and we will apply them for your product.

Mike Mmmh
replied 11 years ago

Hello, I tried and it doesn’t work! Can you tell us how to translate because I followed the step on the page, and nothing seems to work.

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Please download the en.po file below and save it somewhere on your computer and start translating it into your own language.
Once done, please send the translated language file to us. We will help you out.

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