Hello, as above – I can’t name my new database ‘sample’. My hosting developer has his own rules about it and the name has to have defined prefiks. So it can’t be the same as the name your database.
What should I do in that case? What changes are necessary?
Apologies for the delay in replying to you, you can read: http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress
Hope this helps !
Thanks for your answer Dominic!
Unfortunately my problem was that those rules didn’t work.. It did work excellent when I had made another page on DW Timeline, but with page based on the quick installation in DW Page it simply didn’t work… I felt distress because I didn’t know why – I made everything right that.. Now it is quite good, I still need to test a few things more, but is almost ok..
But thanks for links, maybe next time will be better 🙂
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replied 10 years ago
ok, It’s something worse. I can’t event make right simply quick-instalation on real server (not on the localhost) with created another database, experimentally. I don’t uderstand what I’m doing wrong.. on my localhost everything works great.
Someone can help me, please?
replied 10 years ago
evening update 🙂
Ok, I know now that my problem is that I try to do quick istallation on the existing database, but this process needs empty database (no matter how it’s its name I suppose, it should be just empty to be fulfill by your installation). But because I try to moved my ready website (based on the qick installation and changed after that by my posts and projects) to the serwer so I need all those data from my database which I created based on the quick installation on the localhost.
So I still need help, Please.
replied 10 years ago
Ok, I’v done it, but it was a little inellegant solution – I installed page on empty base, import all datas from WordPress by import option (not from database, it didn.t work) and filled in all absences (CSS, ect).
Is there any better way to do it (move website based on quick start installation from localhost to a real server)?