This question in regards to
I have a total of 23 posts, but for some reason only 17 or so are actually being shown on the main page…? Why would that be? All of them are “published” and I have them assigned to the right categories… after so many days does DW Fixel hide some of the posts? Any help you can give would be appreciated. thanks!
To resolve this issue, you can open the home.php file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-fixel\inc”. Find the line 8 & line 27 then change the number.
See the screenshot:
Hope this helps !
Ok, I found it just fine and changed the number but, didn’t see any immediate results. 1 – What number do I need to change it to? I mentioned I have 23 total posts and the number there in the home.php file is currently 23… also 2 – does this mean that I need to change this every time I want to post more on my website?
I kind of figured it out, but would still like to get your thoughts. I changed the number to 33 and for some reason that worked. I tried changing it to 27 first and that didn’t seem to do anything. Thanks again.
Apologies for the delay in replying to you, if you have any question please let us know.
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