John Yakubik
asked 9 years ago


I have been using DW Focus for a awhile now. I have had a a lot of difficulty in the upgrading of the theme. I actually created a new version of my site in a test environment then moved all the posts, pages, media, plugins, etc.. into it. Once it’s finished we will make the final move of the domain.

A problem we cannot seem to fix is the responsiveness of embedded videos. I drive a lot of mobile traffic so this is important. All of my pages with youtube videos are responsive except for the video itself. It remains static in size despite reduction of browser size.

We are using the latest version of 1.31

My old version using 1.1 is here The videos are responsive on this old site.

Please advise. Thanks in advance.


1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

If you want to resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

.dw_focus_widget_news_slider .carousel-inner img, .widget_news-slider .carousel-inner img {

 width: 552px;

 height: 400px;


@media (max-width: 991px) {

.dw_focus_widget_news_slider .carousel-inner img, .widget_news-slider .carousel-inner img {

 width: auto !important;

 height: auto !important;



If you still face their issue, please let me know the position that you want to fix.

John Yakubik
replied 9 years ago


My developer created another post which I responded to you in. You have given us tow different answers to the same question.

I have to say that I am frustrated with this theme upgrade process. I have never faced the difficulties that I am having here.

I don’t think you’re interpreting our question correctly. We are not creating video posts. These are posts we have already created (over 600) that have Youtube videos embedded in them. When we view them on mobile the embedded video is not responsive.

It is in version 1.1

It is not responsive in 1.31

Do you still need a username and password?

Let me know.

Thanks in advance,


Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

Please use the following code in the style.css file:

.single #main>.post iframe {
width: 100%;

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