Dang Tuan
asked 11 years ago

I’ve used AnsPress plugin and love its revision feature. WordPress supports revisions in it’s core and AnsPress just follow it. Now I’m using DW Question Answer and I wish you can combine some nice feature of other QA productions into your plugin.

3 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Thanx @hoctudau for the suggestion.
Hung I think as Anspress allows the ability to edit the answers. The revision feature is just an added layer.
Also if you notice, Ans press allows setting custom fields, which might be useful in some circumstances.
One Negative on Anspress is that it also creates pages automatically rather than allowing users to set them. But it uses sub-pages for its functionality. Plus is that it allows answer editing from backend and it also has a small points system.
Overall DWQA is alot more superior and the new features makes is even more exciting. The design is very clean and best of all its being developed phenomenally rapidly, which is great! :)
Just can’t wait to see the new version in action.

well wisher
answered 11 years ago

thanks for bringing this plugin and feature in notice to the community it helps designwall team in improving the features in the dwqa 🙂

Hung Dinh
replied 11 years ago

This is an interesting one! Noted guys.

I wish we had 48h a days so we can move things faster.

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

you guys are doing things faster @hung so don’t worry 🙂
I also want to bring something to your notice that when embedding questions the comments are getting messed up check one of your sticky questions to have an idea bout what i am trying to say !

replied 11 years ago

Thankx Hung, well wisher and all the DWQA community. You are truly making a difference!

Dang Tuan
replied 11 years ago

@Hung : I’m a WordPress Developer. I love the work of coding plugins and I use QA Plugin for my own. So I’m willing to spend my time to help your work done faster (if we can). Contact me any time.

Hung Dinh
replied 11 years ago

Great to connect Tuan, I heard that you are going to build a tool to convert DB of question2answer.com into wp&dwqa. That is a miracle man

Hung Dinh
replied 11 years ago

@Well Whisher: I open all of my questions http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/profile/admin/questions/ but can’t find the issue you mentioned

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

@hung here is the link to the question just check the last answer i gave there (check the comments those were not actually wrote by you or others on my answer but they just got there )

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

@guru and so are you 🙂 thanks to desingwall team and community for putting the dwqa up.
I am kinda spending more of my time over here then on my own site i use "wallpress"(free theme from design wall)so thought of thanking them for there awesome work in this way by providing a little help over here.
But at the same time i am eagerly waiting for an "updated version of the beautiful theme wallpress that will be buddypress compatible" as thats the only thing which is stopping me from turning my site on to whole lot of features.
I hope the "updated wallpress" will be released soon thanks once again and i am kinda security freak so please dont mind as i keep notifying you guys about the bugs all the time 🙂

Hung Dinh
replied 11 years ago

That is very helpful of you Well Wisher, I will ask the team to see they can release an update version of wallpress sometimes next week

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

@hung thank you very very much thats the thing i love the most about you guys,the designwall team not just only listen you they also gets in action as soon as they receive any request or suggestion thank you once again and keep up the great work i hope the new buddypress compatible wallpress design will be as fantastic as it is now 🙂

replied 11 years ago

Buddypress compatibility would make wallpress alot more attractive especially for use with DWQA!

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

exactly @guru !!!

Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

I have noted this feature into DWQA Roadmap. This question must be closed!

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