asked 11 years ago

I get a warning on the DW Simplex Customize page

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/86/7295686/html/websites/unpronounceable_symbols/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1706) in/home/content/86/7295686/html/websites/unpronounceable_symbols/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 875

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Also, Where can I find the documentation for the site?

replied 11 years ago

Also, Is there a sample temple to “Import WordPress” via WXR (.xml) file to upload?

Jackie Lord
replied 11 years ago

Document is on the final stage of updating process
We don’t use XML file to install the sample data for template.
But you can watch the following guide video to learn how to install a website like our demo site here:

answered 11 years ago

I think you are using the version 1.0.1, however the current version of the DW simplex theme is 1.0.2. Please download the version 1.0.2 in your profile or send me your mail box, I will send you the latest version when I get it.

After updating  you can send me a screenshot for further checking. Right now, our document has been updating, we will release as soon as possible.



replied 11 years ago

I bought it from deal lotto, I don’t know if I can upgrade, here is a screen shot showing you I bought the bundle the website was in.

Jackie Lord
replied 11 years ago

Please send me your administration username & password of your website that you are installing our theme. then I can fix this bug for you. You can send your account via our Contact form:

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