Hi. Each question being answered seems to auto subscribe the user who responds to the thread. This is fine, but unchecking the subscribe option in my case doesn’t seem to do anything ? The page doesn’t reload, and they’re appears to be no way of unsubscribing.
Any ideas ?
Site is https://www.phenomlab.com/community
I have checked on our local with the latest version of the Q&A pro version.
At the moment, we have removed reload the page after unsubscribing. But it’s still working fine. If the plugin does not work on your site, please send me username & password of your site for further checking.
Hi Dominic,
All good. Seems to be caused by caching.
Yes, If you have any issue or question, please let me know, we will check and help you resolve it.
With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you 🙂
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