Hi, On my site I have an issue when open category page, it show blank page.
Please,can you help me to solve it?
DW Focus 1.3.1
Wordpress 4.5.1
Please send me your site, I can not access your FTP.
To resolve this issue, you can ope the template-tags.php file in the inc
folder then fine the line 241.
Repace the following code:
if ( 0 == $category[0]->parent ) {
With new code:
if ( 0 == $category->parent ) {
If you still face their issue, I will access your site and help you resolve this issue.
Hope this helps!
Hi, Dominic, It work fine, I see at line 255 there is other
if ( 0 == $category[0]->parent ) {
Change also this line?
Hi, Dominic, It work fine, I see at line 255 there is other
if ( 0 == $category[0]->parent ) {
Change also this line?
You just change the line 241.
I have checked and see that it’s bug come from previous version we have updated. To resolve this issue you can update your theme again and check it, we have fixed this issue and uploaded a new package in the Yesterday.
If you still face their issue, you can send username & password of your site, I will help you resolve it now.
Hi Dominic, I have already update yestarday but not solve the issue.
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