I have the DW event Theme and I want to put a video in the background of the front-page. The section has the video link, but the video is not showing. Also, do you have the documentation for this theme
1 Answers
Please accept my apology for the delay in getting back to you. I have checked on our demo and it’s a bug come from the theme. To resolve this issue, you can open the view.php file in the dw-events/framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/section/views folder.
Then replace the code with the following code:
<?php if ( ! defined( 'FW' ) ) { die( 'Forbidden' ); } $bg_color = ''; if ( ! empty( $atts['background_color'] ) ) { $bg_color = 'background-color:' . $atts['background_color'] . ';'; } $bg_image = ''; if ( ! empty( $atts['background_image'] ) && ! empty( $atts['background_image']['data']['icon'] ) ) { $bg_image = 'background-image:url( ' . $atts['background_image']['data']['icon'] . ' );'; } $bg_video_data_attr = ''; $section_extra_classes = ''; if ( ! empty( $atts['video'] ) ) { $filetype = wp_check_filetype( $atts['video'] ); $filetypes = array( 'mp4' => 'mp4', 'ogv' => 'ogg', 'webm' => 'webm', 'jpg' => 'poster' ); $filetype = array_key_exists( (string) $filetype['ext'], $filetypes ) ? $filetypes[ $filetype['ext'] ] : 'video'; $data_name_attr = version_compare( fw_ext('shortcodes')->manifest->get_version(), '1.3.9', '>=' ) ? 'data-background-options' : 'data-wallpaper-options'; $bg_video_data_attr = $data_name_attr.'="' . fw_htmlspecialchars( json_encode( array( 'source' => array( $filetype => $atts['video'] ) ) ) ) . '"'; $section_extra_classes .= ' background-video'; } $section_style = ''; if ( $bg_color || $bg_image ) { $section_style .= $bg_color . $bg_image; }; if ( ! empty( $atts['background_position'] ) && ! empty( $atts['background_position'] ) ) { $section_style .= 'background-position:' . $atts['background_position'] . ';'; } if ( ! empty( $atts['background_size'] ) && ! empty( $atts['background_size'] ) ) { $section_style .= 'background-size:' . $atts['background_size'] . ';'; } if ( isset( $atts['padding'] ) && $atts['padding'] ) { $section_style .= ' padding: ' . $atts['padding'] . '; '; }; if ( isset( $atts['margin'] ) && $atts['margin'] ) { $section_style .= ' margin: ' . $atts['margin'] . '; '; }; if ( isset( $atts['section_height']['selected'] ) && 'custom' == $atts['section_height']['selected'] ) { $section_style .= ' height: ' . intval( $atts['section_height']['custom']['height'] ) . 'px; '; } $container_class = ( isset( $atts['is_fullwidth'] ) && $atts['is_fullwidth'] ) ? 'fw-container-fluid' : 'fw-container'; if ( isset( $atts['remove_columns_gutter'] ) && $atts['remove_columns_gutter'] ) { $section_extra_classes .= ' remove-columns-gutter'; } if ( isset( $atts['class'] ) && $atts['class'] ) { $section_extra_classes .= ' ' . $atts['class']; } ?> <section class="fw-main-row <?php echo esc_attr( $section_extra_classes ); ?>" style="<?php echo esc_attr( $section_style ); ?>" <?php echo $bg_video_data_attr; ?>> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $container_class ); ?>"> <?php echo do_shortcode( $content ); ?> </div> </section>
Also, we have notified to our technical team about this issue, we will fix and update this issue in the next version of the theme.
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