Barrie Dack
asked 8 years ago

We have just downloaded DW Focus 2 and will start transferring over from DW Focus next week. Presumably the DW Focus 2 documentation is the same as DW Focus 1 but with the new widgets? But can you advise re: recommended picture sizes, please?
It looks good and I am sure our site will benefit from the new styling!

1 Answers
answered 8 years ago

At the moment, we have not the document guide for the DW Focus 2. The DW Focus & Dw Focus are different about the configure, you can not find in the Document guide of the DW Focus to configure for the DW Focus 2.
At the moment, we are only using the Widget to build the Homepage of the DW Focus 2. In this case, you can install the DW Focus 2 on your localhost to refer about the theme, I will provide for you the XML of the theme:
Content XML:
 To import widget demo to your site, you need to install the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin.
Hope this helps!

Barrie Dack
replied 8 years ago

Thanks! When will the documentation be available?

Dominic Staff
replied 8 years ago

Very hard to let you know about exactly time to finish the document guide. We will try to finish the document and release it as soon as possible.

Samuel Straka
replied 8 years ago

I think more important could be to eliminate all bugs and finalize FOCUS 2 like realy final version what will be upgraded for new features only. 🙂

Dominic Staff
replied 8 years ago

🙂 we will try to resolve all the issue and update for the theme. We will release it as soon as possible.

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