Where is the setting for the number of projects to show on the homepage? I want to change it from 8 to 12. I assume it’s on a template somewhere. Can you direct me to where this is?
1 Answers
I have checked on our demo and still work fine, you can log in to Dashboard > Pages > Edit project page, then add the following the shortcode:
[onepage_projects row="3" col="4"]
Hope this helps !
OH!!! That does not show as an option on the OnePage Guide: http://www.designwall.com/guide/dw-page/ Good to know 😀 Thank you.
We will check and update our Document guide of DW Page 😀
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replied 10 years ago
Update: I found the setting. It is in the ParentTheme/inc/shortcodes.php
Because I am using a child theme, how do I include this file in my child theme so I don’t have to overwrite the parent file? Making a /inc/ folder and putting the shortcode.php in it doesn’t work.
replied 10 years ago
Update: Even though I changed the shortcode from 2 to 3 rows:
add_shortcode(‘onepage_projects’, ‘dw_page_shortcode_projects’);
function dw_page_shortcode_projects($atts){
extract(shortcode_atts( array(
‘number’ => -1,
‘col’ => 4,
‘row’ => 3,
And uploaded it into the parent, the home page Projects section only shows 2 rows of 4 projects.
Please help. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
replied 10 years ago
Update: Changing the rows to 3 did work (not seeing it was a caching issue). But I’m still concerned about making this change on the parent theme. Any suggestions?