asked 11 years ago

If I ask a question via the “Ask a Question”-page there comes a white/blank page. The question was created an is displayed on the “List of Questions”-page. Same problem if I answer a question…

What`s wrong and how can I fix that problem?

replied 11 years ago

Maybe my description was not good enough I try it again:
After fill in the question-form on my ask-question-page there should be displayed a page with the typed question. Instead of this, there comes only a blank page. Firebug can`t find any content on this page.

By the way, my ask-question-page (Permalink: http://domain/frage-stellen/) and my list-of-questions-page (Permalink: http://domain/fragen/) are not the original pages from the theme. I used the DW Q&A Shortcodes to integrate the plugin on my own pages. That`s the only way to get additional informations on that pages…

Hope anyone can help me to resolve the problem!

replied 11 years ago

Another additional problem: If I post a comment on a asked question it loads endless. Only after refreshing the page the comment will be displayed.

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Please send me your site for further checking.

replied 11 years ago

Thanks for your reply. You can check the issue on the following site:

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

I think you have BuddyPress installed on the site and that was causing the issue. you can enable Site Tracking in the BuddyPress settings.
If you still face there issue, you can send me username & password of your site for further checking.

replied 11 years ago

Thank you for that solution. I enabled Site Tracking in BuddyPress and now it works fine.

Great Support!

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