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asked 9 years ago


I use LearnDash and would like to put the question list below the lesson. Now I wrote a small bridge (WP plugin) which realizes this.

The current worklow looks like this:

  • click on "ask question" button
  • redirect to new site, where you can write and publish the question
  • publishing the question will redirect to the site where I can read my published question
  • click on a question in a question list will redirect to a page with the question discussion

The workflow I would like to realize:

  • click on "as question" will reaload the current page and replace the question list with the question form
  • click on publish should reload the current page and replace the form with the question list
  • the new question is the first element on the list
  • click one question will reload the current page and replace the list with the discussion of the question

I’ve tried to load the question form and discussion in a lightbox, but if I write a comment or publish a question, it redirects me to an another site (see bullets current workflow).

So is there any possibility to realize the workflow that I want to have? It would be great 🙂


1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

Thank you for interesting in our product and your feedback. We appreciate it. Currently, our plugin does not support the workflow that you mentioned here. I sent and notified our technical team about the workflow that you like to realize. We will check and discuss about it, once again thank you, any your suggestion will make our product become better and better.

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