asked 6 years ago

I’ve been a happy user of DW Question Answer and your DW TinyMCE Imgur Upload companion plugin for some time now. At some point recently, however, the Imgur Upload function stopped working (which I just became aware of this week). Whenever someone tries to upload an image, an error message appears saying “Unable to upload, please try again.” This has been reported to me by multiple users, and I have replicated it myself.
In fact, when I try to use the Imgur upload command on this website, I see that very same error. So I’m wondering if maybe something is wrong with the plugin itself, since it doesn’t seem to be limited to my own site or installation.
Do you have any idea what might be going on or what could be done to address it?
Many thanks.

2 Answers
answered 6 years ago

Yes, I sent and notified to our technical team about this issue, we will check and update this issue. 

answered 6 years ago

Is there any update on this — any ETA on when a fix might be available? Considering that this appears to be a widespread issue that affects the very purpose of the plugin and prevents it from working at all, I’m hoping you’ll be able to fast-track it and have a solution sooner than later.
Much appreciated.

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Yes, we have fixed this issue, we will check and release the latest version in the Today.

replied 6 years ago

Wonderful — thanks so much! Will the update show up automatically within WordPress, or is there something we need to do to manually locate and download/install it?

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

You can download on the Codecanyon. We have released the latest version 1.0.6.

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