asked 6 years ago

These questions are linked with the Design Wall Question Answer Plugin
I would like to ask for some help in the following things :

  1. When a user asks a question under the answer box there is a “Who can see this” /”Status” drop down list with the values “Public” and “Only me and admin”. How can I get set the default value to “Only me and admin” so that this is the value that is always initiale pre-selected in the dropdownlist in stead of “Public”?
  2. Is it possible to hide the “Public” value and only show/displat the value “Only me and admin”? 
1 Answers
answered 6 years ago

To change in the answer section, you can go to the answer-submit-form.php file in line 35 you can remove the publish option.
If you want to change in the submit form, you can open the question-submit-form.php file in line 31. NOTE: You can create dwqa-templates folder in your folder theme and copy/paste the template files to the dwqa-templates folder to custom.
Hope this helps!

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