asked 9 years ago

Hello and thanks for the excellent plugin.

Right now there is a permission only option to allow/not-allow editing. Since editing is a much needed option for all users, BUT for a limited time. I mean the author of a Question/Answer/Comment should be able to edit for a limited (configurable) time his text. After that time edit should be off.

Do you plan something like this ?


1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

I know what you want But, the DW Q&A plugin does not support this option. However, I think it’s great idea, we will discuss about it.

replied 9 years ago

This is very much needed. A month ago, some (angry) subscriber left our forum and he deleted ALL his Questions (more than 500 of them).

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

Thank you for interesting in our product and your feedback. We appreciate it. I sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We will discuss about it. Any your suggestion will make our product become better and better.

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