Email notifications don’t seem to be sent us whenever a question is asked.
Also, the question isn’t automatically marked as resolved when a question is answered. Is this normal?
About this issue, you should provide us your username & password of your site URL for further checking.
We also seem to notice that a question disappears when it’s marked as private. Could you please look into this as well?
We have checked your site and see that the plugin working fine.
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/knoq54
Thanks for checking. We’ll monitor it over the next few days. How do we add another email address to receive notifications? Do we add a comma like this — [email protected], [email protected]
We had an issue where we did this and both emails didn’t receive any notifications until reverted back to one email.
– We already support a simple and clean style for email, simply Add your Logo and edit the content as you wish.
– Also, you can disable and enable the send out function for each email notification.
– You can forward to many people as you wish. It’s very simple to configure.
Add the following email structure to the Forward box.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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