well wisher
asked 11 years ago

Hi guys,i want to know know which email does this plugin uses when it sends email notifications to the users of my site, is it the administrative email in settings and if yes then is it possible to set our own custom email just for specifically sending notifications to users like for ex [email protected] without changing our administrative email that’s for security reasons.
Second thing i noticed is that as soon as i activate this plugin it automatically publishes two new pages which is not a good idea as most of the users would like to choose their own page name without creating any more 404 errors due to deletion of the default pages.
The solution would be to create and save pages as draft and let users decide the slug and title of the pages before gettins them published
Thank You and keep up the great work guys.

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Dear @wellwisher
I agree with your view about the problems with the two dwqa pages that are created after the plugin is installed and activated. 
I would rather suggest that the user is asked to create a page, instead to creating any pages at all. As not everyone might like to use the same slug for these pages either. (this would be the easiest solutions and would work for every one as when you install a plugin you are ready to set it up and can make the decision of creating your own pages then).
For your question the answer is that the plugin uses this email:  
Question and answers <wordpress@(yourdomain).com>;
Hope this is ok with you and is useful!

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

thanks for your answer guru it was quite help full ,is it possible to change the email address to like [email protected]
and i think i said the same thing in question “The solution would be to create and save pages as draft and let users decide the slug and title of the pages “before gettins them published” that means the user has the option to change the slug aswell because pages still will be waiting to published and not already published.By the way not creating the pages at all with be a plus 🙂

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

I think adding a option to add a email through which the administrators of the site would like to send notifications to their user can improve the feel of the plugin and get it more personalised to the site.

replied 11 years ago

Its certainly a good idea to have the option in the settings page to be able to set the notification email.

I am not sure but I am guessing that the settings are in the notification.php in /wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer/inc

But will have to dig in to find out, when I get a chance.

I think @Dominic can update us sooner on this.

well wisher
replied 11 years ago

and this as well http://wordpress.org/plugins/mail-from/screenshots/ may be it could help the designwall awesome team in doing the stuff more quickly,as the plugins are all ready outdated

well wisher
answered 11 years ago

actually there are whole lot of options available in plugins directory
http://wordpress.org/plugins/search.php?q=Mail+From but i dont want to add another plugin to do the stuff for me

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