Giulio Piovesan
asked 9 years ago

I am testing a new site. I have added the Events Calendar plugin. There are a few issues that I do not manage to solve.

1. The text in the cells is vertical (with other templates it was horizontal). Please, check it out at
2. The calendar is not as wide as the other pages set at fluid width (do note that the plugin creates its own page and the calendar cannot be pasted onto a common page). Here’s an example of what I want to get:

I would appreciate some help.
Thanks a lot!

1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the style.css file: #tribe-events-content table .type-tribe_events {
 padding: 2px 10px;

 width: 100%;

 max-width: 100%;


.post-type-archive-tribe_events #main {

 padding: 50px 8px 10px 20px;


#tribe-events-pg-template {

 max-width: 100%;

 width: 100%;

Giulio Piovesan
replied 9 years ago

Thanks very much. It works.

Giulio Piovesan
replied 9 years ago

I take the chance to ask one more question: how can I delete the thin black line between “Evento 2” and “Evento 4” inthis page: ? I tried to track its source but cannot find it.
Thanks again for your kind help.

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

You can use the following code:
.tribe-events-list .type-tribe_events { background: #fff; }

Giulio Piovesan
replied 8 years ago


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