When any of the above mentioned are clicked, suppose Page number 3 is clicked then the URL changes from :
Now this results in "Sorry, but nothing matched your filter. You can ask questionlayed.
I think the same problem persists with categories and filters.
Any help how to solve it ?
I can insert a script which would change the URL every time but any better solution ?
Note : This problem doesn’t occur if the user is not logged in.
Apologies for the delay in replying to you. I have checked your site and still work fine I think you have resolved this issue.
Hello Dominic.
The issue has not been resolved. I have put the 1.2.4 version of the plugin in which the filters are working properly. The filters in the new versions are still giving me problem.
I’m having the same issue if the user is logged in. I’m using v1.3.2.
Ashish, where can I download v1.2.4?
You don’t need to download the old version.
I have found the bug.
Line 169 !
Just comment out this line.
Thanks, Ashish. That works!
Do you have any solution on how to write on answer form?
Thanks for your helps Ashish.
And @yansusanto, regarding your issue, you can use the Insert codding button on the mce-tinymce section. See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/4e8nrc
Hope this helps !
Thanks for pointing that out, Dominic but how to get that <> button in the first place? My tinyMCE doesn't even come with fullscreen button, let alone the code button.
Any hint is appreciated! Thanks!
you can send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.
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