asked 11 years ago


I’d like the images of the slider of the homepage to take the full screen.

How can I do this?


Thank you in advance.


2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

To resolve this issue you can log in to Dashboard > Appearance > open the style.css file then add the following code:

 .container-fluid {     
    padding: 0 7px;
replied 11 years ago

Hi dominic,
I think I didn’t explain properly what I need to do. What I want to do is that the images of the slider take up 100% of the page.
I use template “homepage-2” in Home and this template has a width of 100% of the browser but the images which are inside the slide haven’t got a 100% of the width and this makes the background images to be seen. For example, if the browser are 1200px width and the images of the slide are 1000px width, 100 px of the background image will be seen in each side.

What I need is that the image always adapts and takes up the total browser width . Is possible to do it?

answered 10 years ago

To resolve this issue, You can add the following code to the style.css file.

.page-template-templateshomepage-2-php .carousel .item > img {
    width: 100%;
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