How to change date format from english to italian? [DW Focus]
I have translated almost all labels from english to italian, but I can’t translate the date of the post.
I would like to change, for example, “January 1, 2013” to —-> 10 Gennaio 2013
How can I do? Thanks 😀
PS. I also would like to change the ‘ago’ at the end of the Headlines widget with “fa” , Can you help me?
Hi !
thank you for choosing product our.
Can you login Dashboard > setting > General “TimeZone”
Thanks Dominic, but it’s not about the correct or incorrect date. It’s about translation. I still see May instead of “Maggio”. How can I translate months?
Thanks Dominic, but it’s not about the correct or incorrect date. It’s about translation. I still see May instead of “Maggio”. How can I translate months?
I have not resolved!
Hi !
this module is having some issues and we are uner the development stage to update and fix the issues. Please hang on with us.
Ok, thanks! 😀 Last question : I would like to change the word ‘ago’ on the Headlines News, where can I do this?
Thank you
Solved, But I can’t found how to change the date ON categories BY author.
I would like to translate ON and BY
Hi! .. If you haven’t solved the English > Italian date yet:
Try this; functions.php .. Line 313
return date( get_option( ‘date_format’ ), $from );
return mysql2date(‘j F Y’, $post->post_date);
return mysql2date(‘j. F Y’, $post->post_date);
Worked for me (Eng > German)
Hi !
🙂 you can open file content-archive.php find line 48 – 51 -70 -74. you can translate ON and BY.
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