theme generally does not include fonts that have Turkish characters. even though i picked a viable combination, it doesnt seem possible to change content menu fonts.
Hello Oualadinler !
If you want to change font in the DW Argo, please do as the following:
Step 1: Find the font that you want to use at here:
Step 2: click the Quick-use button
see the screenshot:
Step 3: Please navigate to “@import” tab and copy the links as shown below:
See the screenshot:
Step4: Paste the links that you copied from Step 3 into the tempplate.css file.
See the screenshot: Step5: To change the font in content menu of DW Argo, You can find in the template.css file the following line code, then change the font-family as you want.
.navbar .nav > li > a {
font-family: ....;
.navbar .nav > li > .sub-menu a {
font-family: .....;
Hope this helps !
Thanks was very useful.
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replied 11 years ago
A question that needed to be asked.