Hello, First of all very nice theme. I wanted to change the links so that it is colored instead of black. I found out how to change the font color via CSS, but how would I change the color to its category color? For ‘blue’, I want link to be blue, and so on. Please let me know, thanks.
Please find here for the document guide on how to change category color in the theme: http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/guide/dw-focus/#category_logos
I’m not talking about category color or the logo. I’m talking about the COLOR OF TEXT LINKS. Right now link texts are black, but I want them to be the color of the category. How can I achieve that?
If you want to change the links color in the each category, you can open style.css file in the each color folder then add the following code:
.single-post .entry-content a:hover {
color: #...;
.single-post .entry-content a {
color: #...;
Hope this helps !
Dominic, the question was how I can do that for EACH CATEGORY COLOR? For “blue” category I want the link to be blue, and for “red” category I want the link to be red, and so on. I think I clearly stated that in the question..
To change color for the category, below is our instruction:
Firstly, follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here. http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/blog/using-jetpack-custom-css-for-your-wordpress-site/
Then add the code to the Edit Css.
/*Blue: */
.navbar .nav li.color-blue a { color: blue; }
.navbar .nav li.color-cyan a { color: cyan; }
.navbar .nav li.color-green a { color: green; }
/*Orange: */
.navbar .nav li.color-orange a { color: orange; }
.navbar .nav li.color-violet a { color: violet; }
.navbar .nav li.color-yellow a { color: yellow; }
/* navbar*/
.navbar .nav .sub-menu li a { color: #000 !important;}
.navbar .nav .subcat-title a { color: #000 !important}
This changes only the color of the navigation text, not post text. I don’t understand how you can’t answer this… Please check it yourself before posting it here for your customers.
On another question I asked, a random person gave me the correct solution. But after that, you replied that it “does not support it,” when clearly the answer was given by someone else. I am not very happy with your technical support and I wish you would give me a correct solution as soon as possible. This isn’t that hard if you developed it yourself.
You can send me a screenshot about detail the position which you want to change.
To where?
you can upload your image here: imgur.com/ then me your link.
http://imgur.com/zqNq31r I tried to explain as best as I can. Please let me know if you need further explanation.
I just need link texts to be in the color of its category. For blue category, all link texts are in blue, and so on.
– At the moment, DW Fucus just support To change link color for the post in the categories page, you can add the following code to the style.css in the color of categories:
/*Green folder:*/
.entry-content a { color: #00A53C !important; }
/*Blue folder: */
.entry-content a { color: #0077CC;}
/*Cyan folder:*/
.entry-content a { color: #009999 !important;}
/*Orange folder: */
.entry-content a { color: #FA5F00 !important;}
/*violet folder:*/
.entry-content a { color: #C64F9D !important;}
/*yellow folder: */
.entry-content a { color: #FF9500 !important;}
– If you want to change the link color in the single post of category, you only possible use categories title to change link color:
E.g: To change Categories: Technology, you can add the following code:
.category-technology .entry-content a {
color: #0077CC !important;
Note: However, this solution is made for only the post that has sole category.
Also, if you want to change the color for the link at different position in the categories, you can open the style.css file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-focus\assets\colors\blue” then change all the color in this file. Note: If you still face there issue, you can send me your site for further checking.
So I put “.entry-content a {color: #00A53C !important; }” in assets/colors/green/style.css, and so on?
Yes. you can add this code to the style.css in the folder path “assets/colors/green/style.css”
It does not work, and I realized that single posts DO NOT fall under the color of the category. No matter what categogy the post is in, the logo and link color are the default setting. Category color does work on category pages though. When would you be able to fix this issue? I would think this is a pretty big issue..
if you are using a Child theme. To resolve this issue please follow my instruction here:
1. Open functions.php file in /wp-content/themes/dw-focus/functions.php
2. Replace following code – line 14
define(‘DW_TEMPLATE_URI’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/’ );
define(‘DW_TEMPLATE_URI’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/’ );
Note: If you still face there issue, you can send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.
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replied 11 years ago
Sorry I meant ‘category color’ in the title.