I’ve just purchased the theme and I really like it.
Could you please guide me through how to install the quickstart method so I can have the demo content on site as well?
Many thanks, Barry
Theme file is an option for those who wish to build their websites from the start with their own customization. It is a blank site, no demo content, no image…
– Quickstart file: using this file to install, you will have a theme with all the widgets, settings and sample content
Please follow our instruction below for how to install the Quickstart file.
Step 1: Download the Quickstart package
Step 2 : Then, unpack the downloaded ZIP package
Please watch the video guide on how to setup the theme:
Please find here for the video guide on how to configure the theme: http://www.youtube.com/user/DesignWallChannel?feature=watch
Or you can send username & password your site for further checking.
Hi Dominic,
Hi Dominic,
Hi Dominic,
I already have wordpress installed is not possible to simply upload the quickstart package via the usual wordpress install route?
Happy to send over log in details if you wouldn’t mind installing it on my behalf.
thanks, Barry
Please send me username & password your hosting, i can help you install.
My mail box: [email protected]
mail sent – thanks Dominic
I will check mail box and i can help install your site on the hosting.
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