Hi, I installed the plugin and I was trying to integrate it with Ultimate Members plugin but it failed.
Can you please help me to integrate with it so that I can redirect to users profile and also on Users profile one can see the DW questions and answers contribution
After activating the plugin, you can add the following code to the functions.php file in your theme folder.
add_filter('dwqa_get_author_link', 'dwqa_buddypress_profile_link', 10, 3);
function dwqa_buddypress_profile_link($url, $user_id, $user){
return bp_core_get_user_domain($user_id);
return $url;
Thank you @Dominic
I was trying to workwith Ultimate members and I found this code is buddypress. So I tried replacing buddypress with Ultimate member and I found that it’s able to navigate to the profiles but profile doesn’t have the DW column for updates.
Can you help me with that ?
@Dominic I am facing the same issue
I have confused with the plugins. Sorry about that, you can try the following code:
add_filter('dwqa_get_author_link', 'dwqa_um_profile_link', 10, 3);
function dwqa_um_profile_link($url, $user_id, $user){
return um_user_profile_url($user_id);
return $url;
If you still face their issue, you can send me the username & password of your site for further checking.
Thanks @Dominic . I added this code and still its just redirecting it to the profile page. But on the profile page not able to see the DW Q&A.
Can you please give me your email so that I can pass on my site details to you.
And also mention what you need?
Do you also need FTP access?
You can use the private option here: http://prntscr.com/m8p583
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