Hi Guys,
I’m wondering how I go about making a page like this: http://demo.designwall.com/dw-argo/editors-pick-typography-carved/
I expected it to be a post type? Can you please explain?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Martin,
The theme doesn’t have that feature at the moment, the editor’s pick page on demo site is just an article with the following html code on each post:
<div class="pi">
<img class="size-full alignleft" src="path_to_img.jpg" width="250" height="250" >
<h3 class="pi-title"><a href="#">Article Title...</a></h3>
We’ll try to have the Editor’s Pick page with post type in the next updated version of DW Argo theme, stay tuned!
Kind regard.
No problem, I’ll just do it manually for now then. Would be great if you could select the articles when you do get around to putting it in!
Hi Martin !
🙂 We will discuss about this issue in the next version.
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