asked 11 years ago
replied 11 years ago

Sorry that should read Continuously …

4 Answers
Kido D
answered 11 years ago

Hi Craigrunning,
I’m not sure about the waiting circle, can you give me a screenshot about the problem?
About showing the popup on every visit, please open up the main.js file in wp-content/plugins/dw-popup-card folder, find the code below:

 // first visit
var visited = $.cookie("visited");
if (visited == null) {
$.cookie('visited', true);
} else {
$.cookie('visited', true, { expires: 7, path: '/' });

and change it into this:


You may need to clear your browser’s cookies to see the change.
Hope that helps!

replied 11 years ago

Screenshot below

Christine Waxstein
replied 10 years ago

Thanks for the coding Kido D. Is there a way to have it only pop-up on the homepage each visit? Right now, it shows up on every page you click on my site.

replied 10 years ago

Please send me your site for further checking.

answered 11 years ago

Actually go to site and see for yourself. The pop-up card will open and when you close, you will see the continuous updating ‘circle’. When you click on the site again it does go away.
When I run the site on my mobile phone, I get a JavaScript Alert: Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and image exists.  I feel the two are related, none.
The site on IE10 does not show an error message. When using Chrome a JavaScript error is shown.

Kido D
answered 11 years ago

Hi Craigrunning,
The problem was that prettyPhoto lightbox plugin automatically added the rel=”prettyPhoto[content]” attribute to the close button of the pop-up card .
You can go to the footer file of your theme, and add the script below just before the closing </body> tag.

jQuery(function($) {

If that cannot resolve the problem, please add a private answer and send me the admin account of your site so that I sort thing out for you.
Hope that helps!

answered 10 years ago

@stine_stein ! 
If you still face there issue, please create new question then we will check and help you resolve it.

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