Laura Della-Rose
asked 11 years ago

I was wondering how to make it so that the images in DW Page (namely the ones in portfolio and team sections) are always in color, instead of being black and white, with colored mouse-over effect?  Thanks!

4 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Laura,
To resolve this issue please follow my instruction here:
1. Open jquery.grayscale.js file in your site / wp-content / themes / your theme / inc / assets / js / jquery.grayscale.js
2. Replace following code – line 88

 jQuery('.thumbnail img').grayscale();


 jQuery('.section:not(".no-gray") .thumbnail img').grayscale();

3. Add class “no-gray” to CSS Classes in menu item (Portfolio and team).

Hope this helps!  

hellover bored
replied 11 years ago

Great solution Willfred!

In my case, we decide don’t use this effect in any thumbnail in the theme, so just remove the wp_enqueue_script for jquery.grayscale.js in the framework.php

Could it bring any problem?

answered 11 years ago

My apology for late in replying. If you don’t want to use grayscale effect, you can remove the wp_enqueue_script for jquery.grayscale.js in the framework.php. Don’t worry because it won’t bring any problems.

replied 11 years ago

I try the first suggesting and did not work, so I removed the line 88 on jQuery(‘.thumbnail img’).grayscale(); and works 🙂
Thank you!

Thomas Phemius
answered 10 years ago

How to get the same results without using the jQuery but directly from the dashboard of my wordpress site ?
Thank you

answered 10 years ago

 Apologies for the delay in replying to you.
You can add the following code to the style.css file:

.portfolio .thumbnail img { filter: none;  }

Hope this helps !

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