Ali Alshehry
asked 11 years ago

Hi 🙂

I just knew about this great plugin today , I installed it and almost everything is great 🙂

one issue is that there is a new sidebar that appear below this plugin 

I already have a sidebar , and I only want to remove that new sidebar 🙂

P.S/ I tried to follow the instructions about how to integrate with theme , but I only did make the template folders and then didn’t know to do the parts with code 🙁  

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hello Ali !
To remove the new sidebar that appears below the questions page. Please follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here.
After that, just add the following code to the Edit Css.

 /* In question list page*/
.list-dwqa-question #sidebar { display: none; }

/* Single question page */
.single-dwqa-question #sidebar { display: none; }

/* Submit question page */
.submit-dwqa-question #sidebar { display: none; }

Hope this helps !

Ali Alshehry
replied 11 years ago

Awesome , I did that and it totally worked 🙂
can I also put this css on my theme custum css ?

also I have another small problem with the search icon overlaping over the search word (in Arabic ) (do open a new thread for this question) screenshot of the issue

and I noticed that some of the word are not translated to Arabic , and as thanks you for the great team at design wall I’m going to translate it and translate any addition on future updates 🙂

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Of course ! You can add this code in the css on custom css of your theme. Also, to resolve the issue with search icon, you can add the following code:

.dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-submit, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-clear, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-loading {
left: 6px;
Hope this helps !

Ali Alshehry
replied 11 years ago

thanks a lot Dominic 🙂

sadly the search icom didn’t change after I added the code link/

can you put it on code box . maybe the problem happen when I copied it 🙁

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

You can add the following code:
.dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-submit, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-clear, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-loading {
right: inherit;
left: 6px;

Ali Alshehry
replied 11 years ago

thanks , it work great now

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