Hi 🙂
I just knew about this great plugin today , I installed it and almost everything is great 🙂
one issue is that there is a new sidebar that appear below this plugin
link kku-home.com/ask
I already have a sidebar , and I only want to remove that new sidebar 🙂
P.S/ I tried to follow the instructions about how to integrate with theme , but I only did make the template folders and then didn’t know to do the parts with code 🙁
Hello Ali !
To remove the new sidebar that appears below the questions page. Please follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here. http://designwall.com/blog/using-jetpack-custom-css-for-your-wordpress-site/
After that, just add the following code to the Edit Css.
/* In question list page*/ .list-dwqa-question #sidebar { display: none; } /* Single question page */ .single-dwqa-question #sidebar { display: none; } /* Submit question page */ .submit-dwqa-question #sidebar { display: none; }
Hope this helps !
Awesome , I did that and it totally worked 🙂
can I also put this css on my theme custum css ?
also I have another small problem with the search icon overlaping over the search word (in Arabic ) (do open a new thread for this question) screenshot of the issue https://www.dropbox.com/s/arzoribrkr7c665/Screenshot%202014-04-17%2020.09.26.png
and I noticed that some of the word are not translated to Arabic , and as thanks you for the great team at design wall I’m going to translate it and translate any addition on future updates 🙂
Of course ! You can add this code in the css on custom css of your theme. Also, to resolve the issue with search icon, you can add the following code:
.dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-submit, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-clear, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-loading {
left: 6px;
Hope this helps !
thanks a lot Dominic 🙂
sadly the search icom didn’t change after I added the code link/ http://kku-home.com/questions
can you put it on code box . maybe the problem happen when I copied it 🙁
You can add the following code:
.dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-submit, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-clear, .dwqa-search .dwqa-search-form .dwqa-search-loading {
right: inherit;
left: 6px;
thanks , it work great now
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