I changed the code in service.php from span 3 to <div class= “span4 widget_text”>, the layout worked, but I lost the hover highlight function on the link and the icon. How do I fix that?
Hi Yiu !
After changing the code in the service.php file, you can log in to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Custom code, add the following code to the “Header code” to fix the highlight part
#services .span4:hover .icon {
background-color: #EF4135;
Hope this helps !
Thanks for the code. It worked. But I also need the code to fix the hover for the titles underneath. Thanks.
I tried:
but it doesn’t work!
Please send me your site for further checking.
I fixed it with:
#services .services-title a:hover {
color: #EF4135;
I have one more question though. How do I put in the meta-keywords and Description?
I put in:
in the customized header section, the keywords didn’t show up when I viewed the page source.
The site I am working on is ascentcomm.net. Thanks.
Ok. I put them directly in header.php. Seems to be working. Thanks.
Hi Yiu !
You can find the plugin here: http://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/meta-keywords
And please find here for the document guide to better understand about the meta-keywords & description:http://codex.wordpress.org/Meta_Tags_in_WordPress
Great resources. Thanks.
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