kedinn turpo
asked 10 years ago

My web programming is
I used a lot of code in questions and answers
mi problema es cuando alguien pega código en el formulario se desaparecen los espacios ,la  indentacion se deforma
podrían mejorar el formulario como plugin sabaidiscuss, puede insertar codigo sin deformar.

2 Answers
answered 10 years ago

Hi Kedinn ! 
Please send me a new question and use the English. At the moment, we are using the English for support, you can translate this question to English.

kedinn turpo
replied 10 years ago

my problem is when someone hits the form code in the spaces disappear, the indentation is deformed
could improve the form as sabaidiscuss plugin, you can insert code without deforming.

answered 10 years ago

Hi Kedinn !
Thanks for your feedback. At the moment, our DW A&A does not yet support to paste the code into form as you want.
We will discuss about this issue in the next version.

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