I am trying to install this plugin on a WP multisite configuration. I have activated this plugin on a site which configured on a sub-directory of main site. But all the question page giving me a 404 error.Seems like the issue is with permalink structure.
My current setup (example domain name)
Main site: http://www.domain.com
sub site where the plugin activated : http://www.domain.com\forum
Permalink setting for single question on the plugin setting : question.
Once I add a new question “testquestion”, the link for this question will be http://www.domain.com\forum\question\testquestion which will be giving me a 404 error.
How to resolve this ? and anyway I can remove the question from the url. need to change above url to http://www.domain.com\forum\testquestion
Please go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalink and reset your permalink setting. If your site still get 404 error please let me know.
Regarding Adsense in DW Q&A, we only support editing the template of single post by copy “content-question.php” from “dw-question-answer/inc/templates/” into “<your-theme-folder>/dwqa-templates/content-question.php“. If you know html, you can use this way to add your adsense.
Hi I am getting a similar problem.
I am also using a multiple site configuration.
I am able to see Question link and ask question page.
But when I am going to comment or vote on a single question the permalink structure open a page link which obviously does not exists.
How does this plugin manages the permalink.
Are the pages made automatically?
do we have to manually make each page ?
The permalink’s defaults are
Single Question – question
Single Category – question-category
Single Tag – question-tag
Hi solved this issue but there is another problem.
I am not able to reply to questions.
A bubble comes up saying config you support channel but I don’t know how ?
The permission settings are also disabled.
@ Divyansh !
Please download the latest version to use permission settings section of the plugin.
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