Once user submits the question, timestamp appears to be wrong. How do we make it to display the right timestamp? Please advise!
Hi Luke,
Any more information regarding your issue would help us to solve the issue faster.
By the way, we have raised an issue regarding timestamp on Github, you can check it out at:
This issue will be fixed in the next release version of the plugin.
I am having exactly the same problem with Q&A v. Using WordPress 4.5.2.
I checked the Github page and the question was closed by bighug in 2013, but the problem is still there.
When I post a question it lists the time as ‘7 hours ago’ which for me would be GMT, not my local PDT. The same timestamp error occurs when I post an answer to a question, but NOT when I post a comment.
Obviously the issue has not been fixed.
Just checked the question page itself (and the list of questions on the dashboard) and the posting time is CORRECT.
To resolve the time issue on your site you can do the following solution:
About list question page, you can open the content-question.php file, find line 17.
Replace it with the following code:
$time = human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U' ), current_time('timestamp'));
you can open the content-single-question.php file and find the line 19.
Replace the following code:
<?php printf( __( '<span>%s%s %s asked %s ago</span>', 'dwqa' ), dwqa_get_author_link( $user_id ), get_avatar( $user_id, 48 ), dwqa_get_author(), dwqa_print_user_badge( $user_id ), human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U' ) ) ) ?>
With new code:
<?php printf( __( '<span>%s%s %s asked %s ago</span>', 'dwqa' ), dwqa_get_author_link( $user_id ), get_avatar( $user_id, 48 ), dwqa_get_author(), dwqa_print_user_badge( $user_id ), human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U' ), current_time('timestamp') ) ) ?>
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