Pure Derry
asked 11 years ago

First up, I am still awaiting confirmation of getting a paypal echeque cancelled.  I paid by mistake using that method but followed up with an instant payment so I would appreciate someone looking at that for me asap.
Secondly, I need the content.xml file for the demo content.  I have searched the archives and any dropbox links to this are now dead.  Can you please send it to hello[at]purederry.com at the earliest convenience.  

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

1. Would you please share me more details of your transaction so that I can help you? ( (Paypal Email, Payment ID, Payment Date)
2. Currently, our products no longer use the XML file to import the sample date. If you want to install a website with full demo content as on our demo site, the following instruction will help you on how to install the Quickstart package:http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/guide/quick-start-installation/

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