asked 5 years ago

just downloaded and installed DW Timeline pro from envato market.
changed the template from my current one to DW Timeline Pro, the page changed (looking at it’s preview) and once i try to edit it with elementor I get a style-less wordpress control panel (or so it appears, by the broken menu items listed on the side) with the summary “session timeout, please login before closing this page continue working on the site”. I logged in to wordpress again but keep getting kicked out with session timeout.

is there any compatibility issue with elementor or wordpress at it’s latest versions?
what am i doing wrong?
please help asap.
Amit Brin 

1 Answers
answered 5 years ago

At the moment, the theme does not fully compatible with the Elementor plugin. In this case, you can send me the username & password of your site for further checking.

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