asked 12 years ago

DW Focus 2 column type / full-width pages / blog & typography pages

Hi, I am using the DW Focus theme and would like to make the body copy two column. Can you provide the code i can use to make this happen? Also, I would like a full width layout. Is there an option I can use to create the full width post/page?

Also, when I choose to make a page "Typography" all the preformatted text is included. What is the purpose of the Typography page if I can not edit it.

Thank you for your assistance.


1 Answers
answered 12 years ago

Hello Michael Halter !
1. In DW Focus, we already support 2-column style of page. Simply create a new page and you will get this style.
Download file:  http://www.mediafire.com/download/469sbszsawbzqw8/template-fullwidth.php
To create a full-width layout page/post, you need to have a new file named “template-fullwidth.php”, please find the attachment for it.
– Copy it into your theme (wp-content\themes\dw-focus)
– Log into  Dashboard > Page > add new >  Page Attributes > template >  choose the file you have just copied into theme item. We named it ” Fullwidth “, but you can change its name by yourself inside the file ” template-fullwidth.php” .
– Finally, go to menu  >  choose the page you have just created  >  add new menu, you can choose any place you want >>>  save.
Notice that, when open the page you just created, you will see a line in the content. In order to delete that line, you need to go to ” template.css ” file, copy this code into Theme Customize
.page-template-template-fullwidth-php .row {
    background-image: none !important;
3. To edit Typography page, you go to: Dashboard > Appearance > Editor
On the right-hand sidebar, look for Typography Page Template, you can edit and copy the code from here.
Let me know if you need further assistance

replied 12 years ago

Hi Dominic,

replied 12 years ago

Hi Dominic, Thank you for the info. Everything worked great. One more question. How can I not allow commenting only on select pages? I want people to comment on most posts but not all. And I do not want people commenting of most of the Full width pages I create.

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