asked 11 years ago

Hello I had some problems in translating your theme! I couldn’t find some texts to translate so I searched in your wordpress files and I found some problems!
for example in filters.php file you have added the translating function for “next” but not for “prev” !!! solve it please

5 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hello Vahid !
To resolve this issue, you open the file the file with the Poedit, then click “Update” button.
See the screenshot:
Also, we can follow the instruction on how to update the old language files here.

vahid moh
replied 11 years ago

I’ve done that before starting translating.
I said there’s no php function for translating the word “prev” so Poedit of course isn’t able to find this word

also there’s another problem!
there are some words that doesn’t change even after translating. for example here is my site:
you can see that the words “seconds” “mins” “hours” “days” “status” doesn’t change at all even when I translated them in the po file and save in the mo file!! I also deleted all other language files and just kept persian files but still the same problem

answered 11 years ago

Hi Vahid !
Thanks for your feedback about the bugs. Much appreciated!
We checked on our demo site and that’s right, the bug comes from our DW Q & A plugin. Will fix it in the next version of the plugin asap. Please stay tuned and we will notify you once updated.

vahid moh
replied 11 years ago

OK You’re welcome.. thanks for you support.

Marko Zunic
replied 11 years ago

Is there any way to translate those things? i also need it, and i need it fast 🙁

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Hi Marko !
You can open the dw-question-answer.php file in the folder path “wp-content\plugins\dw-question-answer” Find the line 324 to line 354.

Marko Zunic
replied 11 years ago

Wow tnx!
That solved my problem about hours,mins,secs!
Only thing that is not translated now is chosen status of question on single-question page, so when i click on satus drop list it is translated but when i chose it ,it go on english again.. can i translate that somehow ?

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Don’t worry, we will fix this bug soon in next version of DWQA, please stay tuned. 🙂

vahid moh
replied 11 years ago

Hello now I’m using the new version of your plugin (1.2.5) but still the problem isn’t solved!! you can check my site.. you’ll see “hours” and “status” and other problems.. and one things else! in the changelog you mentioned that you updated arabic language but actually updated Persian not Arabic! they’re different

answered 11 years ago

Hello again.. Is it possible that I give you my language files that I translated and you put it in your plugin? if so, do you have any good things for your translators? even just putting their name somewhere in your plugin.

answered 11 years ago

Wow! Great, my friend. That is the file I am waiting for. Please send us your translated language file via [email protected]. We will add it to the DW Q&A plugin and of course it helps our product a lot. Thanks a ton for your support towards our product. 🙂

vahid moh
replied 11 years ago

You’re welcome..
and one thing that I’ve noticed is that the plugin has some differences in your site. I mean in my site it doesn’t have some small things that you have here in
have you changed it?
and what is that $tone ? how can I use it?

Jackie Lord
replied 11 years ago

We made some custom code of this plugin only for DesignWall.
And about $tone, we are using MyCred plugin.

vahid moh
replied 11 years ago

so how can I use this &tone ?

vahid moh
replied 11 years ago

No I didn’t mean that how can I use the plugin. I meant I now have 110 $ tone.. so what can I do with it? I don’t find any place to use it

Jackie Lord
replied 11 years ago

Currently, we are testing the point system on our designwall site. Coming with the point system, all benefits are compiling and we try our best to finish as soon as possible. Will let you know once done.

answered 11 years ago

Hello sorry but when do you want to solve this bug??! still I have problems and none those bugs are solved

answered 11 years ago

Please send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.

replied 11 years ago

Hello I’m sorry but no I can’t.
here is my language file:
as you can see these strings are translated:
asked , asked by , answered, status and so on
but if you go to my site:
you can still see all these strings

replied 11 years ago

so what should I do? it’s really important can you answer a little faster please?

answered 11 years ago

  At the moment, in the latest version of the plugin, the problem with translation file doesn’t resolve yet. However, you can translate manually as follow: – To translate “asked & answered” , please open the actions-question.php file, in the folder path “wp-content\plugins\dw-question-answer\inc”, find the line 28 & 30. – To translate “asked by”  section, you can open the file
+ dw-question-answer.php (wp-content\plugins\dw-question-answer), find the line 683
+ shortcode.php (\wp-content\plugins\dw-question-answer\inc\), find the line 377
+ latest-question.php ,  list-closed-question.php, popular-question.php  (wp-content\plugins\dw-question-answer\inc\widgets), find line  40, 48, 40.

replied 11 years ago

but there a lot more:
hours, mins, seconds, days, status, category, open (and other statuses) and so on!!
can you please solve this problem in your next version?! it’s a big problem but it seems you’re not going to solve it!

answered 11 years ago

Apologies for the delay in replying to you.
To translate the “hours, mins, seconds, days ” in the DW Q&A , you can open the dw-question-answer.php file, find the line 351 to line 389.
– To translate the category, you can open the content-question.php file in the folder path “wp-content\plugins\dw-question-answer\inc\templates\default” Find the line 16.
– Regarding status issue. Please send me username & password of your site (via private answer) we will help you resolve this issue.

replied 11 years ago

ok but if I translate these words and I update the plugin again I should translate them right?

replied 11 years ago

And I’m sorry but I really don’t like to give the username and password to anybody so can you please help me to resolve it myself?

replied 11 years ago

and there is another word too! in the homepage there’s a word “status” how can I translate this word?

answered 10 years ago

–  Yes, you are right, but don’t worry, we have already written a guide for updating the translation file. Please follow here Anything else you want to be assisted, please let us know, you are always welcome.
–  To translate the Status in the home page, you can open 2 file:
+ archive-question.php file in the folder path “\plugins\dw-question-answer\inc\templates\default” Find the line 23 to line 43.
+ shortcodes.php file in the folder path “plugins\dw-question-answer\inc\shortcodes.php” Find the line 76 to line 96.
Note: neu ban ko muon cho chung toi username & password, vay ban hay cho chung toi update translate status vao  phien ban sap ra cua plugin.

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