Hello, I downloaded final version of FOCUS 2 ver. 1.0.0 and I activated it by its child theme.
I have a few question about it.
When I choice Tab or Column option in Mega Menu it look same. When I display Category archive there is layout grid only for both choice (grid and list).
Only one menu position is available in final version. If I configure main menu and it is placed as TOP menu, Mega Menu function for this menu is not applicated. Mega Menu function is applicated for menu under the header what consist all categories. It’s pity that there is not possibe to configured this menu under header. I think there is not possible neither customer order of these categories but they are an alphabetical order only.
At the moment, the DW Focus 2 does not use the DW Mega menu to create the menu as you used on the DW Focus. See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/dv06u1
The DW Focus 2 won’t compatible with the DW Mega menu plugin. In this case, I sent and notified to your technical team, we will discuss about this issue.
Hi Dominic. I have two menu on my web. I configured TOP menu myself but any subcategories are not show when I move mouse to this menu items. I tried to configure the items of this top menu like Megamenu and also like standard menu (from categories) but result is same (without shown submenu).
Second menu under header consist all defined categories and this menu look like Mega menu.
You can see a few screenshots in this file : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B65XCV6Ol91cYlNESUpTV3VSX2s
Also is open and unanswered my question about display of category page. When I display Category archive page there is layout grid only for both choice (grid and list).
Another member from our team checking and helping you resolve the issue.
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