I’am use DW Question & Answer plugin my website and i have a little problem.
This is my web site http://www.unity3dtr.com and I am using the plugin here http://www.unity3dtr.com/unity-3d-sorular-ve-cevaplar/
for example, none of the tags used in this question are directing questions -> http://www.unity3dtr.com/Unity3dsorular/unityde-silaha-tiklaninca-ates-sesi-cikarmasi/
tags -> http://www.unity3dtr.com/Unity3dsorular/soru-etiketi/silah-ses/
Please send me username & password of your site for further checking.
I registered on the site but I do not know how to send a private message.
I just sent the message as an administrator.
I’m sorry to bother you.
did you take a look? Dominic
Thank you very much for your interest.
I have accessed your site and tried to install the new plugin. However, the site conflict with the new plugin and the site not works now. Please send me your FTP account. I will check this issue.
Also, if you can access the FTP, you can go to the plugins folder then remove the dw-question-answer-pro folder.
I’am very sorry, i saw too late and I’am remove dw-question-answer-pro and site is works now.
after I removed, I realized that the questions and other things were gone, do we have a way to bring them back ?
We have helped you check and show the question & answer.
With the Tags and categories are not redirecting, you can send me your FTP account for further checking.
I just sent the message “FTP Account informaiton” as an administrator.
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